Monday, 2 November 2020

These crochet items are napkin rings and they close with a clay bead.
 If interested you can email me:


Sunday, 13 January 2013

Joana´s pullover

This pullover is knitted in a machine washable yarn. Though I do love and prefer pure wool, often for modern life conveniences, acrylic yarn is "better" then pure wool. This pullover is designed and stitched by myself with Joana´s specifications: short and wide in the body and narrow sleeves.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Beatriz´s sweater

Recently I finished this sweater for a good friend. It is knitted with the wool that I spin, which is very sturdy and somewhat rustic. The pattern was also design by me for this kind of wool, while baring in mind the specification of my friend: she wanted colour.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Cast on - Knitting

This way of casting on  the stitches is very good for a strong stretchy start. It is recommended for socks. In Portugal we knit with the yarn arround the neck. Like that, the tentions is done by looping the yarn in a finger in the right hand.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Woolly Hats

With bits of hand spun wool one can make simple projects that not only look good, but are also useful. The memories that each yarn conveys are indeed vast.
Often the wool is also home dyed with plants from my garden.

This last winter I knitted a lot. Scarfs, woollen hats and cardigans. Here are only some of the ittems. As being a person with plenty of ideas, I knit my own designs. My training as an artist, and my experience also helps.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


This cream cardigan is knitted with hand spun wool that I am selling in the "Gentilia" Shop.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Knitted Bags

I have been knitting small bags with homespun wool.
They are very welcomed by family and friends.
Some of the wool is home dyed with garden plants.
Other is merino pre-dyed tops that I "random" spin.
Colour is a wonderful tool to bring happiness into the world.